The What If Club – February 2025
2025: one month in …
So that’s 1/12th of the year done. It whizzes past doesn’t it?
It seems that this is going to be the introduction theme of this newsletter because
time passes anyway …
Whatever you’re doing, working, resting, laughing, learning, sleeping. The time is passing. A finite number of seconds, gently ticking past.
That statement wasn’t designed to depress you. More as a nod, a nudge or a galvanising rally cry to wake up and remember to embrace who you are. The world is waiting for your unique contribution to the game we call The Planet Earth Experience.
Let me pop my well-worn triangle in again and then I’ll explain the slightly weird opening to this month’s newsletter:
As I started to write today’s opening statement, I was overtaken by the urge to shout “stop what you’re doing and have fun!” which might be tricky if you’re on a bus, or if you’re about to be called into court for sentencing, but it really isn’t to be taken literally.
As you read through this month’s newsletter, bear in mind the Energy part of the triangle, or rather: WHAT DRIVES YOU. This is important to pin down and explore as it’s your big, fat …
If you have a good WHY, then everything becomes easier, more logical and even enjoyable. If you don’t have a good reason why you’re doing something, you are not only up against the task, but also up against your own resistance.
People swap their time for money.
People swap their time for love.
People swap their time for a future reward, or because it’s the line of least resistance.
What are you swapping your time for?
Concept: What have I been learning and thinking about?
The Wandering Lightbulb (TWL) programme construction is nearly completed and will be available as a programme that can be accessed from my website sometime in spring. It is the original TWL that you may have already experienced but, as a result of it being re-examined and reimagined as a programme, it has taken on a life of its own. Of course it has 🙂
Therefore, I found myself adding in extra bits and pieces, including videos and (brace yourself) a 58 page work book with A TON of new exercises, activities and resources to wander through.
What I have been learning this month is that if you give a project a bit of room to breathe, it blossoms. Whether that’s always a good idea could be up for debate.
System: What have I been making or organising?
Last month I took on the challenge of ProdThurs i.e.: really going all out for project progress for a whole day. I have been ‘Prodding’ now for several weeks (had a to swap it to ProdWeds/Fri on occasions) but it’s become a very interesting experiment.
I found ProdThurs absolutely perfect for getting the huge undertaking of heaving The Wandering Lightbulb Programme on to the Learning Management System (LMS) of my website. It’s not so much complicated as laborious, and requires a level of accuracy and patience that I don’t look forward to applying. So ProdThurs not only got me to move forward inch by inch, but also made me tick so many things off my to-do list (let’s recognise those things as displacement activities) that I literally had nothing else to do, but to get the course on to the website.
And, MAGICALLY, once I had a good amount of info uploaded, that project took on its own life and became something I actually enjoyed developing and adding to. Hence all the extras I created.
Hmmmm. ProdThurs clearly needs further examination.
Energy: What have I been inspired or energised by?
I went dancing. It was wonderful. I’m going again today (1st Feb) and will book up something every month. It was just like being in any club or disco I’d ever been in: music, dancing, community, joy.
But, on considering the it further, a much-missed part of the whole clubbing experience was community. The shared recognition of a track as it starts, the dynamics of a group getting into a groove together, the feeling of just letting yourself go, in public heh heh.
I can, and do, dance to music in my own house. But I realised that communal dancing is what I’d missed so very much. People, groups, communities – they all feed me energy.
Thoughts for TWIC Feb 25:
- What do you do so happily and authentically that time just flows past when you’re engaged in it?
- Which activities give you energy? Which ones deplete it?
- What strategies do you have for starting something (especially if you’re avoiding starting it)?
- What could you do so you get a reward for everything you spend your time on?
- What is your overall aim in life? How can you experience it more often?
The next TWIC will be arriving in your inbox on March 1st.
I’ll see you there 😉
As ever, I’m always available for questions and comments and you can leave your thoughts here or, if you’d like The What If Club delivered fresh into your inbox on the first Saturday of the month, you can join me here. A very warm welcome is always waiting 🙂
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